5 Fitness Races To Challenge You This Summer

Summer is here but that doesn’t mean your workout routine has to fall to the way side. It’s easy to dismiss hitting the gym with the beautiful weather outside, so why not combine your two interests? Vancouver and the surrounding area has dozens of fun, outdoor races to challenge you this summer. These races will [...]

8 perfect gifts for the fitness lover in your life

The holiday season is upon us and it's time to find that perfect holiday gift for the fitness lover in your life. Luckily for you, we've already done the research. We've rounded up the best gift ideas for the person who loves to be fit and active. And hey, if that person happens to be [...]

Benefits of Joining a Health Club in South Burnaby

Researchers in Washington, D.C., checked the medical records of 10,043 veterans in the U.S. with high levels of harmful cholesterol. Mortality risk was 18.5 per cent in people taking statins compared with 27.7 per cent in those not taking medications, Peter Kokkinos from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and his co-authors concluded in this week’s […]

A Health Club in South Burnaby Can Help People Fight Obesity

Being on the heavy side is not a good sign when you’re living north of the 49th, a new study by the Simon Fraser University (SFU) claims. As reported by the Vancouver Sun’s Jessica Barrett, the findings showed that obese people took less effort to stay warm amidst Canada’s cool weather; on the other hand, […]

How Regular Exercise at a Reputable Downtown Vancouver Health Club Can Help You Fight Bone Loss

A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that physical activity can help mitigate bone loss in premenopausal women. As reported by Joshua Wortman in breakingmuscle.com, researchers asked 58 randomly selected premenopausal women to engage in an eight-week physical training course, and asked another group of 62 premenopausal women […]

Working Out at Leading Health Clubs in Surrey: Consistency is Key

In June 2013, a reader asked New York Times health and fitness columnist Gretchen Reynolds about the possible outcomes of varying workout intervals on physical fitness. The reader was particularly concerned about the impact of working out three days in a row versus spreading those workouts throughout the week. As Dr. Michael Joyner (a physiologist […]