How Regular Exercise at a Reputable Downtown Vancouver Health Club Can Help You Fight Bone Loss

A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that physical activity can help mitigate bone loss in premenopausal women. As reported by Joshua Wortman in, researchers asked 58 randomly selected premenopausal women to engage in an eight-week physical training course, and asked another group of 62 premenopausal women […]

Staying Fit is Just One Reason to Go to Health Clubs in Coquitlam BC

The Conference Board of Canada (CBoC) once again acknowledged that British Columbia is the healthiest province to live in the country. CBoC cited a few reasons for this accolade, specifically the general preference of British Columbians to smoke less, eat healthy, and be physically active. However, the CBoC also notes this does not necessarily reflect […]

Things to Remember When You Visit a Health Club in South Burnaby

In a May 27 article in The Province, Helen Vanderburg writes that there are various myths surrounding fitness routines that are rather misleading. Many people have subscribed to beliefs such as being able to burn more fat if they do a certain miracle exercise or so, but science would beg to disagree. It’s important to […]

Proper Weight Training at a Nearby Downtown Vancouver Health Club

In The Province’s May 29 issue, kinesiologist and posture specialist Rob Williams stresses that training isn’t about repeating a set routine, but about “giving your body a stimulus”. He further emphasizes that to build muscle, exercises must have enough resistance to overload them; this way, the muscles are pushed to grow. Thus, those who want […]

Why Does Going To A Gym Keep You Responsible?

How easy it is to say that you don’t want to do anything when you get home from work? You just want to sit on the couch with the donut and do nothing. But you do push yourself and when you get there, you get excited, you like to feel the burn and you even […]

3 Reasons Exercise Classes Increase My Weight Loss

Instead of going to the gym and working out by yourself, exercise classes will give you social interaction that could help you push yourself farther in your workout.  Exercise classes are a good way to get the best of two worlds, a fitness expert’s guidance, and the fact that you aren’t alone.  Keep reading for three reasons […]

Does Working Out at a Gym help With Weight Loss

When most people join a gym, it is either to loss weight or to tone up the body. Working out in a gym really does help with weight loss because logically we know that the more you move the more you lose.  Just think about it, even if you did not change one thing in […]

Spice Up Your Workout With Personal Training

Every one reaches a point where his/her workout becomes boring, or it is no longer improving one’s body composition. So what should you do? Spice up your work out with personal training of course! The purpose of personal training is to use the right exercise recipe to help improve body composition, physical performance, health outcomes, […]

Music, Mind and Fitness

It is well known that listening to music has a profound impact on the human body. Relaxing music benefits your body by reducing stress. Finding a tune that makes you comfortable decreases your blood pressure and calms your body by lowering your heart rate. According to a study published in the journal Heart, music tempo […]