1. Not warming up
Unless you want to risk pulling a muscle, you definitely should not skip your warm-up. It’s common to skip a warm-up due to being pressed for time, or wanting to get right into the workout. Try to plan ahead, giving yourself enough time at the gym so that you are not rushed. If your gym is walking distance, a great warm-up is to speed walk to the gym instead of driving or taking transit. In general, a brisk speed walk, even on a treadmill at the gym, is a good warm-up for your muscles.
2. Arriving unfocused
Many of us often arrive at the gym tired or frenzied, rather than focused on achieving an intense workout. If you’re distracted, fatigued or stressed, tell yourself that for one hour you will be extremely focused on your workout. Reconvene mulling over personal issues afterwards. To avoid feeling fatigued at the gym, try drinking an organic green juice for energy and vitality before your workout, or drink a pre-workout energy drink.
3. Always doing the same workout routine
Once your body gets used to the same workout routine and the same exercises, your results will hit a plateau. If you mix up your routine, introduce new exercises and introduce heavier weights, you will see better results faster. By sticking to the same old regime, you’re limiting the potential results. A great way to try new exercises is to attend a group fitness class at Club16 Trevor Linden Fitness.
4. Poor technique and poor form
There are many exercises which result in remarkable transformations in the body if done correctly. However, poor form or technique can diminish results. For example, done in proper form, squats target the glutes beautifully and transform the look of your derrière. Poor squat form such as tipping the body forward too much during a squat, will reduce results. Similarly, failing to keep your back straight while doing bicep curls will result in the biceps not being properly targeted. A tip is to avoid lifting weights that are too heavy, as you are more likely to succeed at keeping a straight back if your weights are the right weight for you.
5. Lack of Intensity
A sloppy workout will never give you the results you want to see. Make sure you have an upbeat, motivating playlist on your iPod to help push you to work out more intensely. You should not be able to carry on a conversation with your gym buddy during your workout. When it comes to ensuring a more intense and successful workout, try lifting heavier weights to see how heavy you can go while still maintaining control and proper form. A successful and intense workout always includes cardio as well, so aim to complete a minimum of 30 minutes of high-powered cardio before you leave the gym.
6. Focusing too much on either the upper or lower body
Sometimes, if a particular body part is the most important to you to tone, you will end up focusing too much on that body part too often. When this happens, you end up neglecting other body parts at the gym. Rather than cherry-picking your workouts to target areas you feel you need to improve, aim for a schedule that targets a muscle group each day. Schedule a legs day, arms day, core day, etc. This way, you will achieve a full-body workout each week.
7. Not stretching post-workout
Many people skip their post-workout stretch because they’re in a rush to leave the gym. For women, stretching is important for a lean body. For both men and women, stretching prevents injury and increases flexibility and better execution of exercises.
8. Not consuming an adequate post-workout meal
Heavy sweating causes your body to lose minerals and electrolytes, and you need to replenish your body after a workout. Your body also needs protein to repair your muscles after a workout, and carbohydrates to replace glycogen. Drinking plenty of water is important, and even better if you also drink a coconut water to replenish electrolytes. A protein shake with a banana in it is a great way to get the protein and carbohydrates you need. Whatever your post-workout meal is, remember that just because you worked hard, doesn’t give you free reign to eat anything and everything you want to eat. Eat smart, rather than eating triple the calories you just burned.