6-Tips To Get Back Into A Fitness Routine
- Lay out your clothes the night before
If you wake up and see your running shoes, sports bra, leggings, snack and water bottle all ready to go, you’ll feel like you’re too invested to change your mind. Do you hit the gym after work? Pack your gym bag, including a pre-workout snack, the night before. That way, a rushed morning or low energy levels after work are less likely to be easy excuses.
- Take a 30-day challenge
Try challenging yourself to work out every day, or every other day, for a month or longer. If you’re not ready to commit to a long-term challenge, working out on the same days each week will help to make fitness seem like a given, rather than an option.
- Break it down
Push herself to go just a little bit further. Look ahead to the next landmark, a street sign or a hydro pole, and force yourself to continue to that point. Once you get there, running just another 100 feet or so doesn’t seem so bad, so look to the next landmark. When you’re feeling particularly drained, knowing there’s still half an hour left in your workout can make you want to give up. Instead, focus only on the next set of weights, or running the next five minutes and before you know it, you’ll have completed your workout. Keep in mind, however, the difference between wanting to end a workout, and needing to end it. If you’re in pain or your fatigue feels more excessive than it should be, listen to your body and call it quits.
- Buddy up
Commit to a workout with a friend, join a running group or book a session with a personal trainer. If there is someone waiting for you, you are less likely to cancel.
Another way to make peer pressure work in your favour? Share your fitness schedule with your partner, roommate or family member, and ask them to hold you to it. A good fitness buddy can make you realize that your reason for ditching a workout is kind of lame, or remind you of how good you’ll feel if you go for a run. You can return the favour by keeping the other person accountable, too.
- Plan it ahead of time
A rookie mistake is to make working out a “maybe.” If you already committed to the decision, it’s not an option not to do it.
- Lower your expectations
Just because you’re not feeling up to your usual one-hour routine, don’t skip working out altogether. By doing a little exercise, even if it’s just a 20-minute bike ride, you’re keeping your brain programmed to your fitness schedule. On the other hand, if you don’t exercise at all, it won’t seem like a big deal to skip another work out in the future.
Ten minutes is good enough. Commit to doing 10 minutes and either you get a great, de-stressing and energizing mini workout, or once you put 10 minutes into something, it’s likely you’ll want to keep going. It’s a win win.
All About Protein!
Protein powders are very popular in the health & wellness industry. There are many types of protein powders, made from a wide variety of sources. Among the many options, it can be confusing to figure out which will provide the best results. This article lists 7 of the most popular types of protein powder.
Whey Protein: Whey protein is quickly digested, providing a rapid rise in amino acids that may help increase muscle mass and strength. It may also reduce appetite and promote fat loss.
Casein Protein: Casein is a slow-digesting dairy protein that may reduce muscle protein breakdown and promote muscle mass growth and fat loss during calorie restriction.
Egg Protein: Egg white protein contains high-quality protein that is easily digested and absorbed. A few studies have looked at its effects on muscle mass, weight loss and appetite.
Pea Protein: In the limited studies available, pea protein has been shown to promote fullness and increase muscle growth as effectively as animal-based protein sources.
Hemp Protein: Hemp protein has a high omega-3 fatty acid content and seems to be easily digested by the body. However, it is low in the essential amino acids lysine and leucine.
Brown Rice Protein: Early research on brown rice protein powder suggests it may have beneficial effects on body composition. However, it is low in the essential amino acid lysine.
Mixed Plant Protein: Several protein powders contain a mixture of plant proteins. Adding enzymes to these plant protein mixtures has been shown to increase the digestion and absorption of their proteins.
(Brown rice, pea, quinoa, chia seeds, flax seeds etc).
Protein powders can provide high-quality protein in a concentrated, convenient form.
Although not everyone needs protein powder supplements, they can benefit people who strength train or find it difficult to meet protein needs with food alone.
Beach Day Lunch!
Watermelon & Feta Salad
- 700 g watermelon
- 1 small red onion
- 180 g feta cheese
- 1 bunch of fresh mint
- extra virgin olive oil
- Scoop out and chop the watermelon flesh into chunks, discarding the peel.
- Peel and finely slice the onion, crumble the feta, then pick the mint leaves, tearing any larger ones.
- Place it all into a bowl and combine. Drizzle over a little oil and season with black pepper.

Healthy Transformations

Ingredients | |
• | 1 oz chicken, broiled |
• | 2 oz cheese, low-fat |
• | 2 cups lettuce, romaine |
• | 1 medium tomato |
• | ½ cup beans, garbanzo |
• | 1 cup cucumber |
• | ½ tsp oil, safflower |
Spices / Flavoring |
• | ¼ tsp black pepper |
• | ¼ tsp dried basil |
• | ¼ tsp lemon herb seasoning |
Side Dish |
• | 1 ½ high fiber crackers |
Preparation: Broil/Grill Chicken and diced in 1/4 cubes.Set crackers and lettuce aside.Chop vegetables and combine with remaining ingredients.Scoop mixture into center of lettuce leaves and fold edges together. Serve with crackers on the side. |
Per serving: 360 calories, 27g protein, 12g total fat, 36g carbohydrates.
Source: Healthy Transformations Recipes