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5 Sneaky Ways to Squeeze in Fitness
December is a busy month for some of us, with Christmas coming up, family coming in, presents to buy, and the list goes on. We found an article that shows us how we can sneak in fitness during the holidays on Article written by Dr. Darria Long Gillespie ER doctor, MBA, TV & Media Medical Expert, Mom
Having trouble squeezing in your workout? Try one of these tips.
1. Use exercise to break through a problem.
In addition to its effect on mood and brain health, exercise gives an immediate boost to memory, attention and even creativity. Studies have demonstrated increased brainwave activity in the area of executive functioning, increasing people’s ability to find more out-of-the-box solutions.
2. Break it into chunks.
Too busy for a full workout? Breaking it up through the day works just as well. In trials comparing people who did multiple short workouts to those who did single long ones, those in the multiple, shorter group stuck to their workout better and even worked out more total time. Not surprisingly, they had better weight loss as well. Shoot for a total of 20-40 minutes of exercise per day, four to five days a week.
3. Get to the root of your pain.
I’ve had many patients who limit their workouts because of pain. Whether it’s your back, knees or feet, work with a physician to get off the sidelines. I’d suggest starting with either a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist or an orthopedic surgeon who may, in turn, refer you to a physical therapist. Women often have knee pain due to weaker muscles cradling the knee — but a few key exercises can strengthen those muscles and resolve that. Other problems such as tight muscles, back pain and plantar fasciitis can also be addressed.
4. Don’t do it for your thighs.
Really. Few of us have enough willpower to drive long-term exercise simply “to look good.” In fact, studies have shown that body-related motivations (such as appearance) are not associated with sticking to a regimen. What are? Enjoyment, competence (building a skill) and social interaction. Which is why the “do what you enjoy” dictum is crucial to making fitness stick.
5. Make it social.
After a long day of work, I want to catch up with friends and still spend time with my baby. So, I find ways to exercise with them. I’ll push my baby in her stroller or take her for a walk with a friend. Finding a workout buddy or fitness group of other women is also shown to increase adherence – they’ll rally you, push you to work harder and, well, just get you to show up. Plus they make it more fun.
We all need more time in the day — and exercise is one of the best ways I know to not only find it, but make yourself ready to take on the world!
1. Don’t (just) wait.
In line for the bus or waiting to pick up your lunch? Don’t let that time go to waste! I’ve seen people make big moves with arm circles, but for a little more subtlety, tone up your legs with calf raises.
2. Take a commercial break.
The next time you’re unwinding by the TV, make a boring commercial break much more productive by incorporating exercise. This quick bodyweight workout is timed perfectly, so you won’t miss one bit of your favorite show.
3. Sweat before the shower.
Right before you get cleaned up is the perfect time to sneak in a short sweat session. Let these effective 10-minute workouts lead the way so you make the most of your precious time.
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Healthy Transformations
Grilled Halibut

•2 oz halibut
• 4 lemons
• ¼ cup yogurt, nonfat-plain
• 1 tbl mustard, Dijon
• 1 ½ tsp oil, olive
•¼ tsp black pepper
• ¼ tsp parsley, dried
• 1 tsp tarragon
• 1 tsp chives
Combine the juice of the lemon, mustard, yogurt, tarragon, and chives in a small mixing bowl slowly whisking in the olive oil until well blended. Add pepper to taste for seasoning. Arrange the halibut pieces in a large, shallow glass dish. Pour the marinade over, coating all the pieces evenly. Marinate 1/2 to 2 hours.
Prepare barbecue for medium heat grilling. Meanwhile, steam cauliflower and broccoli until it can be pierced with a fork. Toss with lime juice and pepper. Simultaneously, cook rice as directed on package and set aside. Grill fish about 3 inches from flame for 5-7 minutes per side or until done. Enjoy with rice and vegetables on the side!
Per serving: 325 calories, 20g protein, 9g total fat, 41g carbohydrates.
Source: Healthy Transformations Recipes